
A Boy and His Dog
Starring Don Johnson

11:50 p.m.


It starts with a nuke. Very confusing.
0 out of 4 Stars

Why was Mat's review so short?

Mat = Pansy


This dog looks like Buck from Married With Children. Mat is a puss. He fell asleep. He doesn't even try, in fact, I think he tries to fall asleep. This calls for drastic measures.....Mat's sister is unbelievable in the sack. This movie made little sense as well. I didn't really like it.

It gets 1.5 MRU's out of 5
4 hate points


I smashed Greg at the Digimon card game. Now we will play Overpower. Mat has already fallen asleep, half way through the marathon. We have witnessed an all new low, for Mat. Don Johnson is doing a bunch of crazy random stuff. It looks a there is a bunch of mimes, which means there isn't nearly enough killing. The way I see it, Mimes and bullet wounds go hand in hand! Greg and Rich suddenly have a thing for Mat's sister. This movie wasn't very good. My bad.

1.5 out of 5 Quality Points
6 hate points out of 10 - I screwed up


Greg speculated that this movie is just an hour and a half of a boy having sex with his dog in all forms and positions. Greg also talked about how he wanted to have sex with Slow King, Tom Sawyer, Jo from Little Women, My mom, Zack, and others. So this movie opens with a nuclear explosion. Also, Mat is asleep, or in a state somewhere between sleep and being awake. Greg says that Mat's sister is unbelievable in the sack. Oh man, I want this movie to be over, like right now. 20 minutes later, and it's still not over. I had unbelievable, unbeatable anal sex with..[I'm going to edit this out - editor]

"I should write four pages about her melons.....anything she can get her lips around."

2 out of 5 Hogans for making no sense at all,
especially the part where everyone wears clown makeup. weird.
1 out of 5 Hate points

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