
Anarchy T.V.
Starring Jonathan Penner

5:05 p.m.


We are playing Family Fued - The Board Game. The opening credits are trippy and lame. The flick opens with a cable access show. Anarchy T.V. is on channel 69. The Board Game is immensely entertaining. This seems like a bunch of skits, not a movie. The loose plot involves a bastard CEO [actually he's a reverend] wanting to shut down Anarchy T.V. Sorta like UHF. It's a bit more bleak - cops bust the teens. The religious station is CUN-TV. That's kind of a bad joke. A bit nasty, really. [Mat only says this, because he still thinks girls are "icky". -editor] Reminds me of Network, and Fight Club. Good religious satire. A bit overtly political, and it has some random nudity. Contains a disturbing scene with a father and his nude ten year-old daughter. The end pushes a message into your head.

Andrew: "So he goes after younger women?"
Rich: "Yeah, he's a regular Greg Fanoe!"

2.5 out of 4


This is movie is cool so far. Anarchy T.V. is funny and greatly plotful. this movie is crazy. the music rocks, however. Alan Thicke is cool, sort of..... when he's not on Growing Pains. He plays a real jerk in this movie. At least this movie is done tastefully, unlike Bad Girls...... The political themes are a bit obvious. Their targets of satire seem a bit broad, and at times a bit short sighted.

Greg's Fun With Misquoting
Mat: "I like Richard Dreyfus........"
Mat: "I enjoy having sex with large men, and desire lustfully for my sister."

Rating: 1 MRUs out of 5
Amount of Hate: 1 out of 10


So far it's a decent flick. An independent public access T.V. station is attacked by crazy Alan Thicke. the good guys hold their T.V. station hostage, then get naked on live television. This movie blatantly bashes religion.

5 out of 5 Quality Points
0 hate points


Playing Family Fued. I'm sure we're winning, but I don't trust Greg and Zack. Family Fued = medium rockitude.
I barely know what's going on in this movie, except that Alan Thicke is an evil conservative televangelist seeking to silence. The anarchists who wat to tell the truth.

What a fine movie this was. Excellent.
5 Hogans out of 5
Amount of hate to person who picked this: 0

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