
Ultimate Weapon
Starring Hulk Hogan

3:33 p.m.


An old Hulk Hogan runs through the woods, being shot at. He then looses a little girl - Whoops, it was all a dream. Hulk has a love interest, but it makes no sense. It's a bad sign when you have a long scene at a training camp. This is what Red Dawn should have been. Greg has the hots for "Teeny Pheobe" (Cates). Too much exposition, too little action. Lotsa double crossing. There are very tame strip scenes. Hulk reminds me of a low-rent, badly acted Dirty Harry. What an odd shooting, what a long movie. It was OK at first, and then it turns into mindless action. The editing is quite poor. [out of everything that sucked in this movie, Mat chose to point out the editing?! - editor]

"I like Shirley Temple- I want to put animal cracker in her soup!"

1.5 out of 4


Hulk Hogan looks funny in this movie. This movie rocks thus far. Hulk Hogan's facial expressions in this movie, rock my world. Hulk is excellently cast.

Greg's Fun With Misquoting
Mat: "I like Richard Dreyfus........"
Mat: "I enjoy having sex with large men, and desire lustfully for my sister."

Rating: 3 MRUs out of 5
Amount of Hate: 2 out of 10


Hulk Hogan walks around looking angry, and killing people. the explosions are better than in Red Dawn.Greg's rendition of a Shirley Temple song, further supports my theory that Greg is, in fact, a pedophile. Hulk Hogan is about as good of an actor, as he is a wrestler, and he's a pretty shitty wrestler. Hulk Hogon likes the ladies. For a movie that was compared to Commando on the back of the box, this is pretty mediocre. The villains in this movie are very dumb. Hulk Hogan just kicked down a wall. This movie actually drags. The make-up in this movie is amazing. I can't even tell Hulk Hogan is bald. Based on their performance, I assume that every villain has muscular distrophy.

2 out of 5 Quality Points
1 out of 10 hatred to person point toward Greg.

Zack's Caffeine Frenzy Soda Review!!!
Publix Brand Cherry Cola

Decent taste, but it wasn't very strong. Unfortunately, it had a serious lack of caffeine. It only cost 20 cents so I guess I got my money's worth.
I rate it at 3 out of 10


Oh my god, this movie is amazing! Two words: Hulk Hogan. That's all I have to say. Okay, this movie is set in Serbia, but it obviously wasn't filmed in Serbia. One day I will make a manufacture gummy pork. One day. I agree with Greg. The best part of this is watching Hulk Hogan's expression.

"I'm tired of walking away from things kid. It makes things too damn easy."
-Hulk Hogan

Rich's fun with [mis]quotes!

"I want [Shirley Temple] so bad, I can taste it."
-Greg = pedophile

"Andrew kind of counts as a sister"
I like when Greg made a Greg [?]

"Forget about your morals, think about your orals!"
-Mat to a male stripper

"I'm not gay but that man is damn sexy!"

"Are you sure about that Greg? Andrew's a little young for you."

Greg got turned on by seeing a shirtless Hulk Hogan in chains.

Mat's Nugget of Wisdom

Mat: "I liked Richard Dreyfus in Mr. Holland's Opus."
Rich: "You like Richard Dreyfus?!"

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