7:10 a.m.
How Awful.

[The longer Mat stayed asleep, the more I drew on his face
- editor]
I've never even seen the Blair
Witch Project, so I predict not understanding this movie. I do
not want to watch this movie, with intensity. Ho-Ly crap this
movie sucks. It is not funny. Pauly Shore is the best
actor of his generation. Bad, I wish I weren't watching this.
I desire to severely bludgeon myself. Rich is sleeping. This
movie would have been better if it had Jack the Chimpanzee.
Severely un-funny parodies of
the Blair Witch Project. All of them suck, and all of them contain
the same "jokes". I hate this movie, I hate Mat for
picking this one. I also hate you, the viewer [All two of
you -editor]. I think I should add that this movie is really
painful. Rich has fallen asleep, he now has sharpie on his face.
I am a master of drawing on people who are asleep.
Zack's Caffeine Frenzy Soda
Red Bull
It cost $2 dollars for 8.2 oz. It tastes
horrible, and induced a stomach ache within 3 sips. I'm certainly
not getting any damn wings from this crap. This drink has made
me feel quite ill. So far, this is the only drink that I've had,
that induces pain.
1 out of 10 |
The fact that I have to go to
work in a few hours haunts me. Sweet lord, I despise Pauly Shore.
Can't get enough of that Sugar Crisp. |