In this final installment of the Evil Dead series, Ash has been transported back to the middle ages, and must now battle his way through the hordes of the undead, to get to the necronomekon, so that he can transport himself back home in the present. Bruce Campbell does it again, as Ash ultimately defines the term "Bad Ass". Every fan of horror movies should see this one. It has it all, comedy, demons, and a one-handed bad ass with a sawed-off shotgun. Unlike Evil Dead 2, this movie's plot is not a replica of it's prequel. The effects are OK, and the dialogue is excellent. If you like horror, Bruce Campbell, or the Evil Dead series, you must watch this movie. I give it ***1/2 out of **** Go watch it now. Click on the links below to read previews from other movies in the Evil Dead series: Evil Dead | Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn