We Met Corey Feldman
Part 2
Upon walking into the Opera House, a cloud of smoke hangs in
the whole place. There is a bar to your left, pool tables and
slot machines to the right, a dance floor that lights up in the
middle, and several TVs. By the back entrance there was also
a "Restricted Access" door with a cool sticker that
looked like a handicap sticker that read "Rock Star Parking
Only." Bathrooms were just past the Restricted Access area.

Mat wasted a picture on this?! |
Since we had a good two hours till The Corey Feldman Band came
on, we played about five games of pool. I started out sucking
and ended up sucking a little bit less after five games. Tired
of pool, I hung out by the dance floor to take some pictures
of the opening act. They played music similar to Limp Bizkit
and, because Corey Feldman didn't play until midnight, they were
longer than the actual show. Zack sat on a comfy leather couch
and took a few pictures of me attempting to "booty dance"
to blackmail me with in a few years.
We hung out by the back entrance for a while because that is
where the opening act came in. After a half an hour, lo and behold,
we saw Corey Feldman. He was wearing a hood to cover his face
and sported a goatee, but other than that it was the Corey Feldman
we all know and love. I wanted to hand him a copy of Zack's Dream
A Little Dream soundtrack and a copy of our Extreme
Movie Watching web site I printed out, but was stopped by
the security guards. In the long period that it took for Corey
Feldman to get ready, I hung out with the security guards and
became friendly with three of them.
After an hour or so, Corey Feldman was waiting in the door. He
had his hair spiked up, was wearing cool sunglasses, and had
a leather jacket with studs in it. We flashed him Zack's Dream
A Little Dream soundtrack and got a Corey Feldman smirk out of
him. We were asking him if we could take a picture of him there,
but he didn't react so we decided not to at the risk of looking
like paparazzi. Corey Feldman walked onstage, ignoring Zack's
CD and my copy of the web site printed out.
The dance floor was really crowded, but we managed to squeeze
our way to the front and take some decent pictures. Feldman's
band performed a number of rock and roll songs with a rap-rock
song thrown in, and one rockabilly cover. After each song, Corey
Feldman would take off one of his many shirts. First it was the
leather jacket, then the blue shirt, then the wife beater shirt
until the final song where he sang without a shirt on. There
were three insane girls next to me who waved their hands like
they were gypsies to attract his attention. During the concert,
I had my hand clapped by his twice. That was two times more than
Zack was touched by a Feldman!

Boo yah! exclusive pictures of Corey Feldman! |
After the initial set of songs, he went back upstairs. Zack told
me he went to the merchandise area and was disappointed to learn
that all the T-shirts were sold in girls' sizes only. Maybe that's
why we were being ignored. Seizing advantage of the moment, I
presented my copy of the web site to the security guard for him
to give to Corey Feldman upstairs. Corey Feldman came back out
to do an awesome rendition of "Stand By Me" as well
as another song which went on for fifteen minutes, before he
went back upstairs. We waited by some posts at the end of the
stage to try and get him to sign Zack's CD. Unfortunately, we
were pushed away but were informed that we could get stuff signed
Would we get to meet Corey Feldman?
click on the image below to find out.