We Met Corey Feldman
Part 3

Don't make Feldman mad! |
An hour later, Corey Feldman walked out and quickly entered a
secret door to the side. We were informed to hurry over and go
to the merchandise table, where he would sign stuff. Zack gave
me the copy of the poster he stole from the wall while he held
onto his Dream A Little Dream CD. When it was our turn in line,
Corey Feldman wanted Zack to buy a CD, so he did. However, Corey
saw the Dream A Little Dream CD and gladly signed it. I talked
to Corey Feldman as Zack stood there awestruck

"So, did you see the web site?"
"Did a security guard give you two pieces of paper?"
"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry dude, but I didn't have time to read
"That's OK. It's a website where my friend and I sat down
and watched movies starring either you or Corey Haim for 24 hours
"And, of course, we wrote the reviews between the movies
so they became less coherent as the time went on."
"Cool." He laughed.
"Be sure to visit the web site at http://www.moviewatchers.20m.com
and e-mail us sometime."
I quickly had to confirm a rumor from Ain't It Cool News.
"Is it true you're going to do Goonies 2?"
Corey Feldman seemed taken aback. He looked me straight in the
eye and gave his trademark smirk.
"It's a possibility."
I then asked if we could get a picture with Corey Feldman. Surprisingly,
Corey said "Yeah, sure" although the security guards
didn't want us to get a picture with him.
They took two pictures, I shook his hand, and we left, charged
up from the Corey Feldman experience.
"Wow! Mat, can you believe we had a picture with Corey Feldman?"
"No. Did you hear what I said to him?"
"I better remember what I said for the write-up on the website."
We got in Zack's car and drove about 100 feet when Zack looked
in the rear view mirror.
"Mat, is there a car behind us?"(it was quite dark,
at the time.
"Are those sirens on top of that car?"
I turned back again.
"I'm not sure. I can't see."
"Look again."
Then the sirens turned on.
"Well I can see that now!"
We pulled over and a cop came over.
"I need to see your driver's license and insurance, please."
Zack complied.
"Did you know that you have an expired license plate?"
"When did it expire?"
This was really funny because that night it was November 30th,
but since it was 1:30 A.M., it was December. [e.n.
- fuckin' cop....]
"I still haven't gotten my new license plate sticker, in
the mail."
The cop went back to his car for a good ten minutes. I told Zack
that even though he was 18, he should have updated his license
because when you first get a license in Georgia, you are restricted
from driving after 1:00 A.M. unless it's for a school or work
event. The cop came back.
"Sir, I'm going to have to give you a ticket for an expired
tag on your license plate. You can go to the court house in Rome,
Georgia at the beginning of January or call this number to send
in a check to pay it off."
We also got directions from the cop and followed him for a good
20 minutes until we were sure of where we were going. Of course,
we got lost, but we found our way home and we all lived happily
ever after, except for Greg, because he decided that going to
college in Virginia was more important than meeting Corey Feldman.
What a loser! Now we need to meet Corey Haim.
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