8:28 p.m.
Mr. T is in this movie. However,
"Too Sweet" is the hero. It starts like a cheap Rocky
knock-off. Ernie Hudson is the bad guy. Mr. T say: "Ain't
nobody box me with a razor." Too Sweet wants to fuck, but
his girl friend wants to wait until marriage. Ernie Hudson rapes
Too Sweet's lady. They fight. I thought this would be a good
time blaxploitation flick, but it's a bit more serious. One guy
has a cool beard. Rocky rip-off 2 - "Gonna Fly Now"
Ernie Hudson slaps around women. There's a cool dwarf. This is
such a Rocky rip-off, yet it has it's unique touches.
3 out of 4 Stars |

Now THAT is a cool beard! |
Ernie Hudson is cool. Mr. T
is way cool, however, naturally. Too Sweet is cool. Ernie's character
sucks. I am enjoying this movie. That guy has a cool beard. Rich
desires to see Air Bud: World Pup. I wish I had a monocle. The
pacing in this movie is good. "Seldom Seen" is amazing.
Mat is a dirty sobriquet. There's lots of boxing in this movie.
It's getting a bit slower.
It gets 4 MRU's out of 5
1 hate unit.

You can tell he's evil, because he wears
a wig. |
Mr. T is going to train Too
Sweet to kick Ernie Hudson's ass. This movie sure does have some
good pacing in it. Mr. T rules. There is a serious lack of movies
that feature Mr. T. It makes perfect sense that Mr. T would be
the one to defeat in the main antagonist, as opposed to it being
the hero of the movie.
3.5 out of 5 Quality Points
0 hate points go to Mat
Mat's Nugget of Wisdom
Mat: "Tootsie's a good movie." |

I can tell you this much.
If Mr. T gives you advice,
You had better fucking listen! |
Oh man, I hope this film is
good. I like the "Star Wars"-like opening. Mr. T ROCKS.
I can't emphasize that enough. Mr. T is kicking the crap out
of that guy. The rape scene = disturbing.
This guy has a cool beard. Greg wants to have sex with a crocodile,
badly. He also wants to sleep with Ernie Hudson. Greg regularly
visits crocodilesex.org, searching for pictures of crocs in hot
coital action.
"He's too quick, he's too
fast, he's too sweet!"
The midget rocks. Escpecially
when he talks about getting what is a slang word for a woman's
private parts. [putang - editor]
5 Hogans out of 5
Amount of hate to person who picked this: none, since it was
me. |