Who's Harry Crumb

Starring John Candy

John Candy stars in this crap ass 80's comedy about a bumbling detective who likes to dress up in disguise. The plot revolves around detective Harry Crumb, who comes from a long line of detectives, trying to figure out who kidnapped some rich guy's daughter.

I guess John Candy was kind of funny in this, but the rest of the movie, pretty much, sucked. There isn't a whole lot more to say, since I didn't really pay a whole lot of attention, though I probably should have, seeing as this is a movie review. Oh well.

Anyway, the "plot" twists and turns (I.E. doesn't) until Harry Crumb gets thrown into a plane, or something like that. Then he stops the bad guys. Oh yeah, I guess I should have remembered to add a spoiler warning. I might have done that if I though the movie worth watching. In fact this movie is hardly worth reviewing.

eh... *1/2 out of ****

This review is by Zack.

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