Transformers: The Movie

Featuring the voices of: Leonard Nimoy, and Orson Welles

Transformers was a very cool cartoon in the 1980’s. So, naturally, they made an animated movie about it. It was one of Orson Welles’ last performances—he was the voice of the evil robotic planet which sucks up anything around it to feast on its energy. [e.n. - much like Orson Welles, himself.]

The movie is darker than one would expect compared to cartoons of today. The main heroic character as well as the main villain die within the first twenty minutes. There is a lot of cool robotic action, ruined by lots of inappropriate 1980’s songs. The best example from the movie is a scene where robots fight, then dance to, Weird Al’s song Dare To Be Stupid. The theme song from the show is also re-done, which is not as good as the original theme song in my opinion. [e.n. - the part with "Dare to be Stupid" is really strange, because the tune of the music fits, but the lyrics don't. It makes no sense, what-so-ever.]

The movie’s not very long, but ends up being enjoyable. Watch it if you like Transformers of if you want to see a cool cartoon with fighting robots.

I give Transformers: The Movie *** out of ****.

This Review is by: Mat

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