Despite the credits, the main character is Reed. A vampires human henchman, who disposes of his master's victim's corpses, but only after he has sex wih it. Reed happens to be a necropheliac. Vanessa Helsing is a vampie hunter bent on destroy all of the creatures of the night, and she has her eyes set on Reed's master. After infecting herself with HIV, she battles the vampire. She loses, and the vampire drinks her blood. What is Reed going to do, now that his master is dieing? We all know that vampire movies are usually pretty good. It just fits. Look at the Lost Boys, a film directed by one of the worst directors, Joel Schumacher, yet it mysteriously end up, kicking ass. Sucker already has the whole vampire thing going for it, but when you add the excellently played Reed, Good Humor, great dialogue, and necrophelia, you get a movie that goes above and beyond the call of duty. **** out of **** |