Spy Kids

Starring Antonio Banderas

Robert Rodriguez, director of Spy Kids, came up with the idea for the movie after filming his segment in the ensemble film Four Rooms. The two kids in Spy Kids are the same two kids used in his bit from Four Rooms.

Spy Kids is about a family that seems very normal… Antonio Banderas is the father, the mom is a hot chick, the son loves a little kids’ show on TV despite the fact he’s 12, and the daughter wants nothing to do with her family. Things get complicated when Mom and Dad get kidnapped, forcing their kids to discover that their parents are spies. Can the Spy Kids save the day?

Spy Kids is probably one of the best kids’ movies I’ve seen. The humor throughout ranges from juvenile (in some cases, very obnoxious) to satire (on the Tellytubbies-ish show). Most of the jokes work, although some of the gags (especially those with the thumb creatures) wear thin.

The acting is overall very good. Robert Rodriguez manages to use a lot of the actors he used in Desperado in unique parts. The pace works pretty well, and I enjoyed how the villain wasn’t your standard “Ha ha ha, I want to take over the world!” villain.

I give Spy Kids ***1/2 out of ****.

This Review is by: Mat

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