Mathew Lilliard plays a punk, named steve-o, living in Salt Lake City. He really doesn't liekt he city that much. This movie is about about the punk rock life living in Salt Lake City. I had meant to see this movie, a while ago, but kept forgetting about it. I had also heard mixed reviews on it. Some people liked it, others thought it in, no way, correctly represented the punk life.I, having been exposed to at least some of the punk life, (or at least what passes as this, living in the suburbs,) was interested in seeing this movie. It features a bunch of cut scenes, where Mathew Lilliard narrates these little anecdotes, that used to explain things, and develope characters. While not the most original technique, it does work. I thought that Mathew Lilliard did a good in portraying a punk rocker, (this movie took place in 1985, before a band like Blink 182 could pass for "punk") His character isn't really sure of what he wants to do with his life. His main concern, always seems to be about his over-all "punk-ness", and how he isn't just some poser. That's pretty close to all of the punk kids I knew in high school. Originally, I expected this movie to really suck, but I couldn't help enjoy it. It's entertaining, and a must-watch
is you're into the "punk scene" at all. |