This is yet another selection from the Drama section at Blockbuster. I have already seen the first Poison Ivy, so I opted for the sequel. In the first one, Drew Barrymore is ome crazy sex fiend who seduces her friend's father, and zaniness ensues. In this one, for some strange reason, Alyssa Milano finds a box in her dorm closet, that has a bunch of Drew's old stuff. Despite there being absolutely no explaination for this, Alyssa quickly goes through it all and find drew's old diary. She reads it and turns into a sexy seductress, much like the time Greg turned into George Washington during history class. Sadly, that makes as much sense as the rest of the movie. Alyssa's professor becomes obsessed with her, and goes crazy, Alyssa's breasts are exposed a bunch of times, and a little girls gets smacked by a car, which provides some comic relief. All in all, it's a pretty crappy. *1/2 out of **** |