George Clooney and two guys who happen to be on the same chain as him, escape form a chain gang. With hopes of finding a fortune that Clooney hid before he got imprisoned, they have to elude capture. Along the way, they meet up with a number of interesting characters. When I went to go see this, I was unaware of the fact, that it was based on The Odessy by Homer, which is pretty interesting, since it takes place in the early 30's, or late 20's, in Mississippi. This movie is really funny,. and the characters are really well done. I haven't always been much of a fan of George Clooney, *cough* Batman and Robin *cough*, but he really does a great job in this movie. The whole thing is quite enjoyable. I think it's better if you're at least a little bit familiar with the original story of the Odessy. ****out of**** |