The Mummy

Starring Brendan Fraser


The Mummy is a partial remake of the classic original Mummy film with Boris Karloff made in the early 1940's. It is also a huge Indiana Jones rip-off. The Mummy involves Brendan Fraser as an American in Egypt who meets up with a British chick and her British brother. Imhotep, the Mummy, gets revived and stuff starts to happen. I had a few problems with this film. First off, Brendan Fraser-sure, he has charisma, but his acting is very mediocre here. The acting of his British buds is very good on the other hand. The Mummy also goes overboard on the special effects, which are well done by ILM. I think I could have lived with twenty CG beetles instead of twenty thousand CG beetles. The Mummy also goes on for far too long, making it feel like an epic, but three times as boring as it should have been. Certain scenes work well individually, but as a whole The Mummy is a big bore. I liked some of the music, which had an Egyptian flavor to it. This movie had a large budget, although the upcoming sequel is supposed to having one many times larger. The writer and the director are the same person in this one, as well as in the sequel. The writing works a little bit above average, especially in dialogue for the British sidekicks. The directing is fine, although it becomes a bit disorienting in a massive sandstorm sequence. It will be interesting to see how the sequel holds up. Hopefully they'll have a tighter script, better acting, and a shorter length.
I give The Mummy **1/2 out of ****.


The other night, I watched the last half of this movie. I had heard that it sucked, so I had been avoiding it, but what I saw really wasn't that bad. The effects were cool. Brendan Fraser's acting really wasn't that bad, but maybe that's because I mostly saw action sequences,(which I thought were pretty cool) Mat doesn't know what he's talking about when he says that twenty bugs would sufficed. The vast amounts of them, is what made effective. That's about it, but I won't rate this movie, because I didn't see all of it.

This Review is by: Mat and Zack

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