Love and Death

Starring Woody Allen

There’s an episode of The Simpsons where Homer muses, “Those Woody Allen movies would be a lot better if it weren’t for that nervous guy in them.” For once, Homer has a valid point—Woody Allen movies are an acquired taste. Just listening to Woody Allen makes me feel like I’m going to have a heart attack. Once you get used to his sense of humor, you become hooked.

Love and Death features Woody Allen as one of three brothers living in Russia during a military campaign with France. Through a variety of adventures, Woody Allen joins the military and meets Death twice.

The costumes in Love and Death are actually pretty good considering Allen’s small budget. The music sounds very Russian, which adds to the absurdity of the situation. The plot moves along at a quick pace, sometimes meandering due to no real strong plot structure. Love and Death is worth watching if you’re a Woody Allen fan, but if you’ve never seen one of his movies before, don’t start with this one—start with Annie Hall instead.

I give Love and Death *** out of ****.

This Review is by: Mat

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