Lost Souls

Starring Wynona Ryder

In Lost Souls, Wynona Ryder first, has to figure out who the anti-christ is going to be, and then she has to convince the guy, to let her help him, and to stop him from becoming the anti-christ.

When I watched this movie, I had already seen the beginning, during the ill-fated hop-a-thon from a few months back. Back then, the movie seemed like it might be cool. Of course, I didn't have the slightest clue of what it was about, but still, it looked cool. And most of the movie continued to look cool. Its main problem came from the shitty ass story.

The movie is supposed to have a little elemnt of suspense, it is revealed that Peter the writer, may become the anti-christ. This was one of the few things I liked about the movie. I find humor in discovering that your parents were actually brother and sister, like Peter did. Though this was one of the less realistic parts of the movie, (other than that whole anti-christ thing) Am I to believe that a guy who was born from incest, grew to look some what normal, with out any serious problems. Is an extra limb, or one eye in the center of the for head, too much to ask for?! I mean, when I think of babies that are born from incest, (which is disturbing more than it probably should), I think of hideously, deformed flipper babies. I think it would more sense of some mutant was going to the anti-christ anyway.

As the movie continues, it's revealed that there have been a bunch of other people who have been planning on Peter becoming the anti-christ, so that they can worship him or something along those lines. All of this culminates into an incredibly shitty ending, that looks like they ran out of time, so the movie's creators, had to rap it up quick.

** out of ****

This review is by Zack.

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