Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman

Starring Sean Patrick Murphy


Jack Frost 2 is a sequel to a little known movie named Jack Frost from A-Pix Entertainment. This isn't a sequel to the Michael Keaton flick about a Dad who dies and gets reincarnated as a snowman-it's a sequel to the cheesy horror flick about an escaped convict who somehow becomes a killer snowman. Jack Frost 2 involves several of the main characters from the original film on vacation at a beach resort, as well as some crazy sidekicks such as Sean Patrick Murphy as Captain Fun. Somehow, Jack Frost still manages to come back and now has new heat-resistant features! Surprisingly, I enjoyed Jack Frost 2 better than the original-although when I saw the original, I wasn't exposed to as much cheesy horror movies as I am now. The budget was very low for this movie, possibly lower than the original. As a result, many of the special effects are awful, as is all of the CG work. The humor is very similar to what was found in the first one-really cheesy with lots of puns. Jack Frost 2 had many disappointing deaths and, like the original, had a chance where nudity could have been shown, but nothing was shown. I was surprised Jack Frost 2 received an R rating. Yeah, there's some blood, but many of the deaths are off-screen. Also the language seems toned down from what was originally intended; in many scenes, you could see the actors' lips moving to say "Fuck," but you hear something else dubbed in an ADR session afterwards. Jack Frost 2 is good for fans of these kinds of cheesy horror movies. If the logline, "He's Icin' and Dicing" doesn't make you laugh, you'll hate this movie.
I give Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman *** out of ****.


I enjoyed the first Jack Frost quite a bit, so I was looking forward to this sequel. I was a little dissappointed with it.. There wasn't a single death shown, on screen. The budget was incredibly lower than the first one, which says a lot. It was a decent movie and all, but I was just a little dissappointed with it. There were some good deaths, though.

** out of ***

This Review is by: Mat and Zack

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