High Crusade

Starring John Rhys-Davies

It says something when you look on the box for a movie and the only actor they mention is John Rhys-Davies, the guy who was Sallah in the first and third
Indiana Jones movies. It also says something where the cover of the box brags, "Executive Produced by the Director of Independence Day!"
The High Crusade takes place during the Crusades in England. A knight plans to go on a crusade to the Holy Land right after his marriage, but his plans are
interrupted when an alien spaceship lands by his castle. Taking over the spaceship and taking one of the aliens hostage, they visit the alien planet and try to escape with
their lives.
Actually, the idea of combining aliens and knights in a movie is an original one. I'm sure it would have made a funny comedy or a decent action film in the right
hands. The look of the main knight character of the film looks inspired by Graham Chapman's take on King Arthur in the far superior Monty Python and the Holy
Grail. Some of the humor attempts for a Monty Python feel, but fails. Some of the unfunny running gags include a character who plans, "OK sir, we'll rush them with
300 to the right, 300 to the left, and 300 from the front," when they only have 10 men and an alien who has sex with a character by touching their fingers together. Even
worse, this piece of crap is based on a book! The High Crusade does contain a very cheesy line: "This God weapon of yours is crap! Prepare to die!" Never, ever
watch this movie unless you want to torture yourself.
I give The High Crusade * out of ****.

This Review is by: Mat

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