Head of the Family

Starring a big head guy

Head of the Family was sitting in my Blockbuster Video Horror section where I work at. The head is hard not to grab attention—a huge head on a wheelchair with a cheesy slogan on the cover. Feeling crazily inspired, having decided to rent Gen-X Cops, Zack and I made the fateful decision to also rent Head of the Family. It turned out to rival Gen-X Cops.

From the opening credits, you know you’re in for a treat. What other movie plays demented synthesizer music for five minutes while showing a long shot of a house. Are crazy monsters entering the house? Are we somehow introduced to several characters in a witty way? No. Five minutes of wasted time. From there, the plot follow a guy with a goatee who gets involved in a highly hypothetical blackmail plot with a weird family led by a guy with a huge head.

Highly hypothetical? Here is an example: “What if there was this guy, you see, who saw you, uh, chopping up a guy in your back yard and he had evidence to prove it? Suppose this guy goes and mails the information to a lawyer as blackmail, you see, to get $50,000? And then he threatens to get that same amount of money every month or else he tells the cops about the twisted operation you run here? What if he did that, you see?” The goatee guy loves to tease the Big Head with this information. The Big Head responds with classic lines like, “We are going to make a withdrawal from the Pain account. And there will be plenty of interest!”

This movie also has the weirdest version of the Joan of Arc story I’ve ever seen. If you’ve ever wanted to see a badly acted version of the third Act of Joan of Arc with a naked Joan on the stake, you will if you rent this movie! The nudity in this movie is highly gratuitous, which is a welcome thing for the horror genre—face it, most recent horror movies are high on gore, low on sex. The acting in this movie is pretty awful, although the Big Head is very entertaining.

Recently on http://us.imdb.com, I searched for this movie and discovered a sequel was made: Bride of Head of the Family. If anybody knows about this movie, please e-mail Zak or me ASAP!

If you love camp, especially horror camp, you’ll enjoy Head of the Family. Also, the ending is very strange.

I give Head of the Family *** out of ****.

This Review is by: Mat

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