
Starring Dennis Quaid

John Sullivan finds out that he can communicate with his long-dead father, in the past, because of Aurora Borealis, or some shit. John prevents his father from dieing in the past, with disastorous results. After telling him everything that was going to happen in the next 30 years, (despite the many reasons why not to do this, given in Back to the Future 2), John and his father, in the past, must now fix what they screwed up.

The acting was pretty good in this movie. The dialogue wasn't too bad, but I hated the story. This was the stupidest piece of shit. Apparently, if John's father is still alive, then a serial killer will kill 7 more women than he was supposed too. I'm not even sure if they tried to explain that. The whole thing was just stupid.

** out of ****

This Review is by: Zack

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