Dazed and Confused

Starring Jeremy London and Ben Affleck

Dazed and Confused takes place on the last day of school in 1975. The main characters are all about to be seniors next year. It's become a custom to abuse and humiliate the upcoming freshmen, and they do just that. Another one of the main characters is an upcoming freshman who is trying to avoid a beating. The movie continues as the setting becomes a huge party at night, that takes place in the woods.

I think this movie is grossly over-rated. I lot of people that I knew in high school loved it, probably because they loved to envision themselves in those roles. I guess that's why they never noticed how shitty the movie really is. There isn't that much of a plot of all. The dialogue is like something Ed Wood wrote, only it's painful, not funny. The acting is the worst I've seen in awhile (and I watch a lot of Troma movies.) The acting wouldn't have as bad if every character was supposed to be drunk and very high through out the entire movie. That would have, at least, been a little more believable. Actually Jeremy London and Ben Affleck weren't bad in the movie. But the writer tried to make so many different main characters that they all became supporting characters. There are no real main characters, just a bunch of supporting characters building up to nothing.

I give this *1/2 out of ****

This Review is by: Zack

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