The Chase

Starring Charlie Sheen, Kristy Swanson, and Henry Rollins

Well, it's four o clock on a wednesday, I have nothing better to do, so I just
tune into one of those charming movies they show on comedy central in the
afternoon. Mistake number one. Mistake number two was the continuing of
watching this movie.

I don't know how charlie sheen lives knowing that he's thrusted such
complete and total crap on this populace. I expected more out of the man who
brought us such instant classics as Hot Shots Part Deux, Major League II,
Terminal Velocity, and Navy SEALS.

Well, Kristy Swanson was in this movie too. She's a really really bad
actress, as evidenced by this movie. Why do I subject myself to such movies.
I vow to never again watch a midafternoon comedy central movie.

Charlie Sheen (wait, I'm sorry, Charles Sheen) may well be the WORST
actor of all time. He also executive produced this movie. Bah! This movie
makes me angry.

"My name is DMC, with a mike in my hand; and i'm chillin' and coolin' all
like a snowman." [e.n. - Greg really wanted to bring up "Christman in Hollis"]

Conclusion: Why did I watch this movie. I make myself sick.

Rating: 1 stars out of 4. Try to avoid this movie at all costs.

[E.N. - Greg is forgetting about Henry Rollins's appearence, which is always a plus in any movie.]

This Review is by: GREG!!

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