Cannibal: The Musical

Written, directed, and starring Trey Parker

This is the first movie Trey Parker ever made. This was way before South Park. Troma bought the rights to release it, but didn't do much with it, until South Park became a hit. This instant classic , based on a true story, (loosely) this is a comedic musical about Alfred Packer, the only man in the history of the United States to be convicted of cannibalism. While Alfred Packer is leading a group of miners through the Rockies, his horse disappears and he gets his group lost as he tries to find his beloved horse. Watch as the Zanyness ensues. (wait, is zanyness a word?)

This is truely a fine film. I recommend it to every with a sense of humor. There are many great gags in the movie. From watching it, a bunch of times, I am forced to say that Trey Parker, has to be a genius. The musical numbers are well written, the dialogue is excellent, and the story is wonderful. I've seen the movie a bunch of times, and just doesn't seem to get old.

The only problem with this movie is the availability of it. It is not quite easy to get a copy of it. I found my copy at a comic book convention. You probably won't be able to rent it, and most stores that sell videos, probably won't carry it. The only way you'll probably be able to get it, other than going to a convention, is to order directly form Troma Team Video, but I highly recommend that everyone go out and get a copy of this movie.

definately **** out of ****

This Review is by: Zack

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