Charlie's Angels

Starring Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, Lucy Lui, Bill Murray, and Tim Curry


In its opening weekend, Charlie’s Angels pulled in over $40 million at the box office. Looks like there’s gonna be a sequel if it breaks the $100 million mark.

Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz, and Lucy Liu listen as Bill Murray instructs them to rescue a computer programmer from Tim Curry’s clutches. Several fight scenes later, along with a few plot twists and wacky music choices, they all die in an explosive finale.

Charlie’s Angels is certainly better than some other piece of crap TV show to movie adaptations like McHale’s Navy, but it could have been much better. The director, a guy with the insane name of McG, has watched The Matrix one too many times as almost every fight includes at least one instance where everything freezes and spins around or leap impossible jumps. Bill Murray is funny and the female leads do a good job, but the movie could have been more creative. Every single problem they encounter, they solve in a matter of minutes. Have to enter a security locked door? Use fake contacts and wear a disguise. Bam! There is also a part where the movie takes a 20 minute detour from the plot where all the girls hang out with their boyfriends. Huh? What the hell?

Charlie’s Angels is better than a lot of crap out in the theaters, but McG is no Kubrick.

I give Charlie’s Angels **1/2 out of ****.


Charlie's Angel is NOT better than most of the crap in the theaters now. It's complete trash. McG is one of the worst directors I've seen in awhile. His suckitude rival's Ed Wood's when it comes to directing, only his director is more painful. Every single action scene has a slow-motion pause, and it never fits. Not once. McG also felt that it was necessary to use wires to make the Angel's jump up and down with acrobtic ease. It's just too bad that h forgot that most people poise before jumping, so it ends up looking like the Angel's can fly. I guess I missed the part where it was revealed that they all had super powers.

Speaking of which, Spiderman's image appears for a whole five minutes on Cameran Diaz's ass, as she shakes it at the camera. For five minutes, and I hope you like seeing Lucy Lui flip her hair in slow-motion. Because you will. Many times.

I also noticed that the Angel's seem to be able to withstand a large explosion from five to ten feet away. They do this at least three times in the movie. Drew Barrymore survives a giant fall without any visible wounds, after she dodges a bullet from point-blank range.

There are a bunch of times that this movie tries to be funny, and unless it's a scene with Bill Murray, the "humor" fails, miserably. (The only reason Bill Murray was funny, is because he wrote his own lines.) About half of the movie made me cringe.

I guess that only things about this movie, that I liked, were Bill Murray, Tom Green(all five minutes of him.), and the character that was called "The Thin Man". He was pretty cool. Other than that, every thing was horrible.

*1/2 out of ****

This Review is by: Mat and Zack

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