April Fool's Day

Starring the guy who played Biff in Back to the future, and
the guy who played the love interest in "just one of the guys"

April Fool's day opens with a group of teenagers getting ready for a ferry ride over to an island for spring break. They are staying at Muffy's house. Whe the teens start to dissappear, the teens must find out who the killer is before they are all dead.

When I first started to watch this movie, I was enjoying the beginning. they didn't waste time befoe people started getting killed, but one of the thing that really pissed me off about this movie was all of the fake-outs. I kept getting excited that some one was going to die, and that it would be cool, but it always ended up being a cat or some shit. They also had too many suspense scenes that involved finding a dead body. There were more of those scenes than there were killing scenes.

The other thing that really bugged was the ending. I'm not going to reveal it, but I am going to say that it freaking pissed me off. It was like in Scream 3, I liked the build up to the ending, but the ending itself was a heaping pile of feces.

When I watch certain type of movie, I usually have some sort of expectation for that film. When it comes to horror movies, those expectations aren't usually high. This movie is one of the fews movies to not meet up to my expectations. I didn't even get to see any nudity.

*and a half out of ****

This Review is by: Zack

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