Alien 3

Starring a bald Sigourney Weaver

Alien was a suspense movie, Aliens was a summer action movie, and Alien 3 becomes a dialogue-intensive drama. Huh? What the hell? If you want to run a franchise into the ground, Alien 3 is a good movie to do it with.
Alien 3 involves Sigourney Weaver in a maximum security prison planet full of guys. Before she can get abused, an Alien gets loose. While I admire the return to the series' roots with one alien and no weapons, the focus is on dialogue, creating a very slow movie. The director, David Fincher, has done much better movies since this one. Supposedly, there is a director's cut of this floating around with an extra 30 minutes tacked on to explain the plot more. Unfortunately, Alien 3 is a big mess. I admire the dark tone of the film, but I don't admire the film as a whole. In the end, maybe Sigourney Weaver wanted to do what Charlton Heston wanted to do at the end of Beneath the Planet of the Apes: end the franchise once and for all. Like old Chuck Heston, she was wrong.
I give Alien 3 *1/2 out of ****.

[E.N. - I'm sorry, but I liked this movie, not as much as the first two, but a little more than the god awful fourth installment to the series. I would have written my review, but this how long it would have been. I think it should **1/2 out of ****]

This Review is by: Mat

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