A Ghost in the Dark

Starring Val Kilmer, and Micheal Douglas

This movie has a few problems. Primary among these problems is that it is a
very bad movie.
The reviews i read of this movie were mixed. Some said it was good, some said
it was trash. The people who said it was good were wrong. VERY wrong.
This movie is about Val Kilmer (a bridge engineer) who tries to kill these two
lions along with Michael Douglas. The rest of the plot is useless.
Along with Val Kilmer's "acting" the worst part of this movie is that it is so
annoying. They bring up a lot of subplots that could have been interesting,
such as religion, and the physical demands of building a bridge in africa in
the middle of summer. But they don't explore any of these. Instead they
decide to just make it about these two stupid lions. Plus Val Kilmer seems
unusually calm about hundreds of his men being killed.
Okay, I'm no professional lion hunter myself, i am willing to admit, but these
guys suck at hunting lions. They build up a number of inanely contrived
schemes to kill the lions. Jimminy Christmas it's almost as if these lions
are going up against Wile. E. Fox (which would have made for a much more
entertaining movie).
This movie claims to be a thrilling action movie, but it isn't. Not in the
least. Towards the end there's a pretty cool scene with the lions, but it
just demonstrates how nonchilling the rest of the movie has been.
This movie is like jaws, except without real characters, and done really

I give this movie 1.75 stars out of 4
I would suggest that you don't see this movie.

This Review is by: GREG!!

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