
Less Than Zero
Starring Andrew McCarthey, and Robert Downey Jr.

4:10 p.m.


This flick starts out with a high school graduation. Robert Downey Jr. is in this movie, and he is talking about starting up a record label. Andrew McCarthy has plenty of flashbacks. He gets a card that says "Lets fuck Christmas together." Naturally, he goes to the party. Robert Downey Jr. is high and almost falls out of a car as they drive, to get some dinner. He also does drugs, a lot. McCarthy relights a relationship with an old flame, as hundreds of bikers drive past. The sex scenes are oddly directed, including one specific scene where you really can't tell whats happening. The rest of the movie is very slow despite such songs as "I wanna rock and roll all night", and "Christmas in Hollis".
I give Less Then Zero 2 out of 4 stars.


Andrew McCarthy gets dumped on repeatedly. The song "The Hazy Shades of Winter", rocks the house. Wow, this movie has awesome music. Robert Downey Jr. always seems to play a jerk. If something interesting doesn't happen in the next 5 minutes, I'm going to smack Zack around with a dead fish. Andrew McCarthy is kissing his old girlfriend. Now he's having sex with her. What a plot twist. This movie is pretty good. Mat is not funny. That little girl has a big bow. This movie has "Christmas in Hollis" by Run DMC, The second coolest song of all time. That means that this movie officially rocks.

Mat doesn't like this movie, what a jerk. RDJ fellated someone for crack-cocaine. I wish Mat would stop talking, and yet he keeps going. this movie is kind of sad.

Conclusion: I really liked this movie. It tended to get slow at times, but was funny and cool.
I give it: 4.5 MRUs out of 5


This has a pretty cool soundtrack. Robert Downey Jr, plays someone with a drug problem. It's quite a stretch for him. Robert Downey Jr. almost fell out of a car. That would have been hilarious. Greg just said that Andrew McCarthy always makes him hungry.....for man love. Money shots are not effective when the male is wearing jeans. In this movie, there is a drug dealer who is hassling Robert Downey Jr. He looks nothing like Andrew McCarthy, yet I just had a loud arguement with Mat that the drug dealer was not Andrew McCarthy.

Andrew McCarthy  The Drug Dealer

These two guys look nothing alike.
Mat is retarded.

I think Greg finds the little girl attractive. I hate to spoil part of the movie, but one of the hilarious scene's features Andrew McCarthy finding Julian's apartment wrecked, with a messaged spray painted on the wall. It reads: "Julian gives good head, and is dead."

Conclusion: I really would have prefered it if Mat had talked less.
4 out of 5 Quality Points
2 out of 10 Bratpack Points

Mat's Nuggets of Wisdom

(While watching an oddly-shot scene.)
Greg: "Oh, they're having sex."
Mat: "But the guy has his shirt on."
(Quite Randomly)
Mat: "What does an MRU look like?"
Zack: "What?"
Mat: "Well, does it look like a dodecahedron?. I mean, a star is a star..."


This movie has some weird music, that's for sure. The Bangles are cool. Basically, everything in Andrew McCarthy's life has gone to hell. That's why it's called "Less Than Zero", and there's a Kiss song.

Greg: "This is surreal."
Rich: "Actually, it's not surreal at all."

Greg says the soundtrack rules. I agree. Robert Downey Jr. plays a jerky drug addict. Greg has suggested the idea of sex lanes on the highway, that there should be sex interstate highways, so that "Hey baby, wanna go on sexerstate 9" would be a good pick up line. Yep. Robert Downey Jr. basically plays himself.

Mat told us how he watched a documentary on Toy Story, and how Woody was originally more of an asshole at the beginning, and Greg just said, "Yup" and nodded, because the story sucked.

Conclusion: A solid 3 and a half stars. No more, no less.

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